Tips Merawat Kereta Otomatik Agar Awet

Agar kendaraan otomatik anda tetap awet dan prima selama bertahun-tahun, berikut beberapa tips merawatnya: Pertama, lakukan perawatan rutin sesuai dengan panduan pabrikan. Pastikan untuk mengganti oli secara berkala dan memeriksa filter udara, ban. Kedua, hindari mendinginkan mesin ketika masih panas. Biarkan mesin bersuhu normal terlebih dahulu se

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Their Gearbox Specialists - JV Auto Lube

JV Auto Lube is the go-to garage for all of gearbox issues. We have a dedicated team who specializes in servicing gearboxes of all makes. Whether your transmission is making unusual noises, juddering, or simply doesn't shifting properly, our experts can help. We use only the highest quality components and modern equipment to ensure a lasting repair

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